Saturday, February 3, 2007

Little metal bottle caps

Hello from Sheffield! I have been here for a few days, but the nets blow. MAJORLY. So far things have been alright; we are all living in hotels until later today, so suitcase life has been a bit annoying. The town itself is pretty; it was an industrial town early in the 20th century but has made a large effort to become very green. There are over 50 parks (none of which seem to be in/close to the city center or the dorms....hmmmm...) and there are trees and moss everywhere. It is crazy warm here. The first day was about 50 or more degrees Fahrenheit. People here are really nice. Everyone has helped us out as much as they possibly could, and the people we just run into in shops and stuff are always kind and friendly. As we were told that people would be cold and rude, this was a very nice suprise!

Lots of nice study abroad kids are here from the Midwest. Only one kid is from New England, but he goes to school in I don't know if he really counts. Illinois dominates the program. The two largest contingencies are DePaul and Uof I. The kids from Europe (Erasmus program) are really cool too. So far, friends are being made. My new English cell phone has only a measly 5 numbers, but those numbers are gold to me.

Today I am moving into my flat, which is rather dismal. I got to see it yesterday by randomly knocking on the door, and it is rather small, cramped, and just plain gross. The only way I can describe it is to say I am camping for four and a half months. Wooo hooo. I think it will be alright after we set up shop and decorate, but these first few nights are going to be interesting at best. We've been told to never leave our windows open or doors unlocked because over 100 laptops were stolen last year. Great. Add that to only dial up internet and you are looking at the total opposite of the deal that DePaul told us about when we were looking at the program.

Well, time to hang out and stuff. Maybe drink. People here drink every hour of the day. I guess they really hold to the "it's five o'clock somewhere" thing.



Jacob said...

The rule in Germany has been "Kein Bier vor Vier" and people tend to stick to that. Actually, in my experience, it seems to be the Amis and the Brits that drink all the time, so you, being surrounded by them, should be in good hands. I think the Brits never really got over losing their Empire and drink to bring them back to the glory days.

George Steinhardt said...

Decorate! When it's five oclock in chicago, i guess it's really late in sheffield... top of the mornin to ya! Is that irish thing or english? I think irish. Oh well.

a sadoway said...

5 digits! wow!