Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It has all but begun

I turned in my first Sheffield essay just now! I am a bit nervous about it, but it should be fine. I was informed yesterday by my professor for Modern Lit that the British system "prefers hard work over any sort of creativity or original thought." Sounds a little bitter to me.It is true, however, that they are very interested not necessarily in what you as a student have to say. They really just want to see that you've studied what OTHERS have said and are able to research/reference/quote the shit out of actual scholars. The lack of creativity is a litle depressing to an ex-OMer, but it is one of those small (and annoying) cultural differences you never expect. You also do not turn papers in to your professor. All papers are turned in to the department office by a certain time and must be processed by the office before they reach the marker (grader). You have to sign some forms stating word count, that you didn't plagiarize, etc. It's all rather formal and intimidating. It is a very different style, and I don't think I quite got it right for my paper. We shall see.

Tomorrow George is arriving! This marks the effective end of any work being done by myself, and so is really the beginning of Easter break (forget freedom from religion, they don't do things PC and call it spring break over here, nope, it is allllll about the resurrection of Christ) and with Easter break lots of fun plans!

George will be arriving Wednesday, and then Thursday I will briefly have my Irish Writing seminar on (gasp) ULYSSES! Ahhhhh. Yeah. Fun. I looove Joyce. Otherwise lots of Sheffield exploration and hangouts will be taking place. On Sunday we leave for Scotland and will be there for about four and a half days, then its off to Italy, on April 3 George and I split ways and he heads back to the US and I head to Germany. There I will see my friend from high school, Jacob, and hike around the Black Forest, eat some good food (FINALLY) and generally revel in being in Germany again. Then it is off to Paris with Carl, and hopefully Becca my flatmate will be joining us. The chance to see so many places is really exciting and I can't believe this is actually happening. I will be sure to send lots of postcards when I can, and will upload pics to facebook once i get back. Hoorah!

I won't be able to check the nets much, except while at Jacob's, so I apologize for any tardiness in answering emails or any of those other internet ways in which we communicate. Please still send them, however-- I love to hear about all of your lives and adventures! Send me some encouragement as well: when I get back I have several more essays to write and very little time to do so. Part of this is my own fault, as I am going to Glasgow with Natalie and Emily to see Camera Obscura in April. I may have posted about this already, but I am very excited, and so gush about it. A lot.


1 comment:

raechel said...

OM-er REPREZZZENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i miss you. ugh.

also, i'm falling in love with a boy. but a good one this time who is also falling in love with me. can't wait to tell you all about it.