Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I don't feel like doing a real post, but some big things have happened:

--Liz (one of my flatmates here in England) and I will be moving in together in Chicago. We have yet to find a place, but once we do, expect it to be the best apartment probably ever. I know, I know--how many times will I say I'm living somewhere and then change my mind?! This time is for real. This plan will not fall through. We are serious about this.

--Essays season is upon us! I have three essays due on May 29. Yeah. Haven't started yet.

--Emily, Natalie and I have decided to read Ulysses. We are going to work very hard and then meet once a month or so in a different Irish pub each time (in Chicago) and talk about it. We will see how this goes.

--Less than a month here in England. I can't believe it's almost over.

Oh: Have people in the US been hearing about Maddy, the British girl who was kidnapped in Portugal? It's all over the news here, headlines everyday and on TV constantly.

1 comment:

Carlos A. Trejo said...

I just discovered your blog. Wow. The only reasons I am commenting is because I wanted to inform you that I HAVE heard of that Maddy girl. I only found out about it after reading through Le Monde today. It was interesting.

Miss you. Lots of love.