Sunday, February 11, 2007

Aloe vera juice anyone?

Well well well.

The girls of flat 33 had a dinner party tonight. Since no one has that much flatware/dishes/chairs/anything you need for a dinner party, we ended up gathering cups and plates from various flats, pots from one of the guests after we ruined one pot, and even made Matt and Aiden, the Australian guys, bring a table and chairs over from their flat. It was a wonderful meal, however, with lots of laughter and conversation. Everyone there was really fun and hilarious. So much laughter. The Italians, of course, brought tons of wine over, but it was actually Australian wine. What an international affair we had. Yue, the Chinese girl who studies in New Zealand, started passing out little cups of aloe vera juice. I declined, as it smelled pretty gross and others warned me about it. Apparently it is really good for you.

It's been so fascinating to get to know people and start hearing their stories. It's made me realize how similar people really are, despite our differing languages, customs, and backgrounds. Even if some people do drink aloe vera juice. Ew.

I am very excited about a few things:
1)I might get to see Teri next weekend.
2)We had a snowball fight last night with various members of Taptonville Flats, and it felt like being a kid again.
3) I really like my roommates.
and last, but certainly not least...
4) George is coming to visit! He is going to be here for almost two full weeks, and we're going to Scotland and Italy together. Hooray!



George Steinhardt said...

you aren't supposed to DRINK aloe. You use it on your skin in the case of a sunburn. Jeez, what do they teach you over there in England?

Jackie said...

George, you are visiting Meagan? and... Italy? She is a lucky girl. Geeeez.