The last exam has been taken (sat? I don't know what the British would say). I am finished with school for three glorious months. I am so excited.
The exam process here is frightening. You go into this HUGE room (ours was in the Goodwin Sports Center, so basically a giant gym) where there are just rows and rows of desks lined up. Each class (multiple classes in one exam period) are assigned certain rows. You sit down and fill out all these sheets with your registration number and name and course and all sorts of things. Then you write. For three hours. Yeah. At the end you have to lick part of the booklet and stick it down. I felt really silly doing it, but you have to.
They are (is anyone surprised?)really anal about exam procedures. They have these people called invigilators who walk around constantly, are monitoring noises etc and go to the bathroom (toilet, sorry) with you if you have to during your exam period. It freaked me out. I think I only would have used the bathroom if I was about to explode. I was afraid of them.
School is over, leaving me with just over a week to hang out, pack, laze around Sheffield, party in Taptonville and the other usual stuff. I'm also heading to London tomorrow with Emily which should be a riot. It is my first time--I sort of left it to the end, didn't realize how little time was left-- and so I will be doing all the touristy things. I am looking forward to it!