Today was about 24 Celsius and sunny, meaning I was awoken by Danielle coming over and enlisting me in the tanning party. She, Emily and I wore bathing suits, didn't freeze, listened to music, ate food, read trashy magazines and generally indulged for a few hours in the sun. Of course, I didn't tan (or burn, thanks to liberal application of sunscreen) but it was nice to warm up. I got a few freckles. All I can ask for I suppose.
It was nice enough to wear a dress (finally!) and just mary janes, no jacket or tights or anything. Carl and I went on a hunt for daiquiri mix, because that would have been the ultimate ending to our night...but we settled for this thing called "Carribean Twist" which is a cheaper take on Bacardi Breezers. Eh. Not so great. We made steak and Lincolnshire sausages, garlic bread, and some cucumbers for dinner, followed by ice cream outside! It was so lovely! The first real summery feeling day.
Needless to say, I have not yet started work on my essay for Irish Writing, but it is not due til Tuesday--giving me plenty of time. I finished both of my essays for Early American Lit, meaning I just have that one Irish essay and then a sit in final for Modern Lit-and then I am done! I'll be back in the States in two and a half weeks. Nuts, isn't it?
My plans for these next two weeks are pretty tame. I have to finish this paper, obviously, and then turn in all three next Tuesday. That afternoon, my former spring break immersion leader Teri will be arriving in Sheffield. She is volunteering/living in Liverpool for the year and is coming to stay for two days. My hope is that the weather will stay warmish and we can go out to the Peaks District. She leaves Thursday. The next day is my Modern Lit final, and the day of Liz's flight home. What a shit day. Saturday June 2nd, however, I am going to London! Emily, her friend from home, and myself are going for the weekend. If you have any suggestions on what to see/do/stay whatever, let me know! After that it is back here for about four days full of packing and cleaning and goodbyes. Eeek.
Because Sheffield is this boonies backwater place, there are no trains running to Manchester airport on the morning of the 10th. Instead we are taking the late train on the 9th and sleeping in a terminal (or the rail station at the airport, whichever is open). I'm not looking forward to this, as I have so much stuff to haul around, and because it is my 21st birthday. When I envisioned my 21st, it never involved sleeping in an airport terminal on top of two large suitcases with a backpackers pack as a pillow, believe me.
The sun is just starting to set (although it is 9 pm) which is something I love about summer. Because England is fairly far north, the sun sets really late in spring/summer. I wish I could be in Europe for Midsummer's-- I would definitely have to go to the Arctic Circle and see the 24 hours of daylight!!
Well, this has been a long rambling pointless post, but was bored and wanted to say hello.